Monday, June 9, 2014


World Wildlife Fund

Worldwide Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF):

Supports and participates in their efforts to conserve, research, and restore the environment. and promotes their idea to “ stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature." Raine understands that there are species of animals in nature, and recognizes the importance of preserving these animals.


Supports their vision of using peaceful protests and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. Raine does not believe in violent action against problems, and emphasizes the importance of peaceful diplomacy.

Human Rights Campaign

Human Rights Campaign:
Supports her and her ideas of legalizing gay marriage, and establishing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender men and women. The democratic party mostly supports equal rights. With her very liberal upbringing, Raine understands the importance of equal rights, and emphasizes it.


NOW (National Organization of Woman) :
Supportive of women taking a stance in politics, supportive of women having equal educational, employment, and business opportunities.  She also supports enacting tougher laws against violence, harassment and discrimination. NOW is known to be supportive of the democratic party. Being raised in such an open and accepting community led her to have a strong belief that everyone is equal, regardless of gender.

On the Issues


Gay Marriage

Marijuana Legalization

Abortion and Women's Rights



Gun Control

Gun Control

Raine is a very pacifistic person; this trait leads her to be in favor of imposing stricter gun control laws. She believes in thorough background checks as well as psychological profiles and mental health screenings for those seeking to purchase a firearm. Furthermore, Camellia Raine supports harsher penalties for people in possession of an unauthorized firearm. In 2011 alone, 32,163 people died because of gun death. (x) This is more than the number of people killed annually because of drunk drivers, even. Raine plans to vote in favor of legislation implementing the aforementioned procedures.


Camellia Raine is a strong supporter of universal access to education, regardless of socioeconomic status or citizenship. In her time serving in the Peace Corps, Raine observed countless children who were illiterate and had never gone to school purely because of the poverty they lived in. Thus, she took it upon herself to never let a child in the US have to succumb to that, and to advocate for nonprofit international educational programs, like Teachers Without Borders. "I know that universal access to education will not come in my lifetime or even in my childrens', but I will take solace in that I helped the world take one step closer to being better, to being able to educate every child without complications." stated Raine, Friday.

Contact the Candidate

Number: (541)-555-5555


Camellia’s general view of equality for all leads her to be in favor of equal opportunities for immigrants, meaning that she believes in trying to find alternative methods to dealing with rampant overpopulation instead of further securing the imposing, threatening fences around the borders. Furthermore, she is a strong supporter of universal access to education, regardless of socioeconomic status or citizenship.

Legalization of Marijuana

Camellia Raine posing with her wife's medical marijuana
Raine believes in marijuana legalization for both recreational and medical purposes. In an interview, when queried on this matter, she stated, “I firmly believe that alcohol is a much more dangerous drug than marijuana. Growing up surrounded by adults of all ages, I quickly learned that alcohol is the scarier drug. My mother often remembers me taking bottles away from adults as a toddler, yelling ‘NO BAD JUICE! NO BAD JUICE!” Statistically, alcohol has proven to be a factor in more homicides, especially those involving firearms, than marijuana.

Abortion and Women's Rights

Raine’s feminism-focused childhood leads her to be pro-choice, stating that “Not every woman is ready for a baby. Some aren’t ready for them ever. Isn’t it better for them to be prepared when they want to have one?” She has done extensive work with NOW, and regularly donates to the group. She is supportive of women taking a stance in politics, as well as having equal educational, employment, and business opportunities.  She also supports enacting tougher laws against violence, harassment and discrimination. Being raised in such an open and accepting community led her to have a strong belief that everyone is equal, regardless of gender.

Gay Marriage

Camellia is a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights. This is most likely because of her childhood in a hippie commune; being exposed to such open-minded, laid-back people so early in life molded her to be an accepting, pacifistic person. Furthermore, the encouragement of fluid sexuality and empowerment of women by her mother and others who raised her influenced her decision making and ideology later in life. Camellia’s general view of equality for all leads her to be in support of gay marriage. She married Isabella Johnsoff in 2013, stating that, "Though this marriage isn't recognized by the government, I hope our union is recognized by all."


Camellia Raine is a very avid supporter of environmental health. From her time spent in the Oregon Environmental Council, she has become a very prominent advocate for protection of the environment. As a youth at Berkeley, she participated in countless sit-ins, saying that “Our constitutional right to peacefully assemble is one of the most important of all time.” Raine is very involved in these issues, and as a youth, regularly lobbied Congressmen and women who would be likely to vote in favor of environmental legislation. She has worked extensively with Greenpeace for many years, and supports legislation such as the Bigger Better Bottle Act.

Her Goals

Camellia Raine wants to represent the people of Oregon effectively, and to spread environmental consciousness and equality for all. She is strong believer in equal opportunities for every person. Furthermore, she wants to engage today's youth politically and to inform them of political efficacy and how they are the future of this nation.    
To see some of her ideological views, click here.

About the Candidate

Camellia Raine was born April 17th, 1976, on a hippie commune in Ashland, Oregon to wealthy parents, Siavash and Elize Raine. As a young girl, her Iranian and South African heritage enthralled her, as well as the abundance of trees, untouched nature, and diverse people around her. She often conversed with the elders of the family and listened to their many lectures about the sanctity of the Earth, pacifism, and universal acceptance.
As a young woman, Camellia studied Environmental Science and Political Science at UC Berkeley in California. In her time there, she often participated in mock political campaigns and peaceful gatherings to protest legislation that was harmful to the environment and those whom she cared for. At these activities, Camellia became acquainted with her now-wife, Isabella Johnsoff, who shared her political viewpoints. After her studies, she joined the Peace Corps with Isabella and traveled the world for five years, helping people. Raine spent four years in poverty-stricken countries all over South America and her last year in Sudan. Unfortunately, during that last year, both her parents died in a freak hemp-weaving accident, and she was left with an enormous inheritance that she would later use as donations to various organizations, scholarships, and people in need.
Raine's experiences have helped develop her political priorities and have led her to build the strong liberal platform she has today. After working in the Peace Corps, Camellia began becoming active in Portland’s City Council and the Oregon Environmental Council, and, after approximately 3 years, became the head of both councils. Furthermore, she became very involved with NOW and Greenpeace, regularly donating and giving speeches in support of the groups. She is known to not be in support of PETA, in an interview saying that, "PETA is the most ineffective organization in this country. I firmly believe that its slogans are misleading, it spreads false information, and is furthering the objectification of women in its sex-oriented ads. What kind of equality-based organization hinders equality?"
In 2008, Raine decided to run for governor of Oregon, and won against her Republican rival, Evangelica Christiansan, in a landslide. Mid-term, she decided to get married to Isabella publicly, and encouraged citizens of Oregon to attend the wedding. Hailed as "the most pivotal ceremony in Portland's history," the wedding consisted of a main ceremony, a reception, and a peace copse where people could come together and plant a tree for different causes. This move helped gain her a lot of respect among Oregon's vast LGBTQ and environmentally conscious communities. After her term, Raine decided not to run again. Urged by her wife, Raine decided to run for House of Representatives, believing that she can, perhaps, make a difference in this world.